Dusty Reins Blog

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Vintage SPS Films

View six vintage films made in the Texas Panhandle and Eastern New Mexico made by Southwestern Public Service Company who distributes electrical power throughout the region. The first film dates from 1939 and the last two are from the early 60s.

I received permission from the Research Center at Panhandle-Plains Historical museum to make them available to the general public on YouTube in digital form. SPS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xcel Energy who donated the historic 16mm films to the Research Center.

Learn more about the Research Center at - https://www.panhandleplains.org/p/research/281

These films are brought to you by the CaptiveImage.us Heritage Preservation Project.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I Have Been Very, Very Nerdy Lately!

Time to get back into the software development groove! This time I have taken a deep dive into something completely different... mobile apps for for Android™ powered devices.

It won't be long before the first app hits the Google Play™ store. You can keep up with my progress and learn more about the nerdy side of me on a site featuring my first mobile app and others to come. A NEW MILESTONE IS WITHIN SIGHT!

Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's a beautiful day! The trails are dry at Wildcat Bluff Nature Center. See some signs of Spring on the prairie!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Here is my #photo entry in the 15 & 1 photographer's challenge in Amarillo. - http://ping.fm/pWtRr

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ok, I'm letting the cat out of the bag. If you are on Facebook, here is an invitation to 15 & 1 - http://is.gd/d345U
Now that my entry for 15 and 1 has been turned in, I get to take a little breather for a change. The exhibition opens July 1st.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

National Cow Calling Contest in Miami, TX 80 miles NE of Amarillo on US 60 this Sat. Loads of fun and great rib eye steaks!

Monday, May 31, 2010

I'm off to go celebrate the day. Enjoy your holiday & honor those soldiers who sacrificed their earthly freedoms (life) for yours.
100 Years Ago: Flying from New York to Philadelphia - http://ping.fm/7bjxn (via @sciam)
My heart goes out to all who have lost family and friends during service in war across the world.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Panhandle Artists' Hanging

I currently have one photo print on linen hanging at the Amarillo Museum of Art.

I have titled it "New Leather" and you can read more about this image on my web site photo gallery by clicking on the title.

The opening reception at Amarillo Museum of Art for the annual Panhandle Artists' Hanging exhibition went very well last night with a good turnout. A wide range of fine art creations by area artists fill two gallery rooms. The show can be seen until June 11.

Amarillo Museum of Art
2200 South Van Buren Street
Amarillo, TX 79109-2407
(806) 371-5050

Open Tue-Wed,Fri 10am-5pm; Thu 10am-9pm; Weekends 1pm-5pm

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Welcome to my first post here

Thanks for checking out my Google blog. I post most of my articles on my own website which also contains more than 40,000 photos in my online multi-media gallery. I am also active on Facebook and Twitter if you would like to look me up. I will try to add some real content here from time to time just to keep things interesting. Keep your sunny side up and your saddle dry!

-Dusty Reins